Monday, November 4, 2013

Your Personal (R)Evolution Begins Now


I know you are tired.  I know you feel defeated.  I know you feel small.


Good Morning, love bug, how are you today?  I can see (in my heart) that you are beautiful and today is going to be wonderful, if that is what you choose... here I will talk while you wipe that sleep out of your eyes.  I love you.

It does not matter what the world wants today.  The only thing that matters is what you want today.  If we spend today walking toward what you want, soon it will be here.

We make things so hard that it is almost impossible to feel or imagine we can reach our goals, become enlightened, change the world.  It isn't hard at all.  People make a lot of money off of you believing it is hard or that there is a magic formula to achieving your goals.  Really, honey, it is not the truth... that is only marketing.

Today I just want you to wake up... stretch... know that (even if your body and mind is in pain) regardless of what is going on:


I want you to do this today, please.  Every time you see something you do not like, ask yourself what do I have to stop doing to get what I want.  This world is made up of polarity, it is made up of balance, it is demonstrated every where we look.  Our personal experience of this world is no different.  You do not need to do anything at all.  In fact the opposite is true.  You only need to stop doing whatever it is that is causing the undesired thing.

If you want to lose weight... I personally think you are perfect just as you are but it is YOUR life, not mine......stop eating the extra calories and stop just sitting around on this computer.  If you want a cleaner house then just stop putting the dirty dishes in the sink and begin washing them, drying them, putting them in the cabinet.  If you want more money, then stop what you are doing and go find someone who will give it to you through fair exchange.... your valued time to help them in exchange for their valued money.  If you want to know about something then stop thinking about it and find the education to learn.  The internet has so many sources but we will talk about that another day.  It is not about doing anything, it is about not doing whatever it is that is stopping you.  It is all about stopping the undesired result at its source.  

You will never be able to change anyone else so don't even begin thinking that today.  You or I do not need to change even one other person.  Absolute truth.. sweet pea... absolute truth.  You are perfect, you are marvelous, you have experienced the world completely uniquely, you spice this world in a way that no other ever can or ever will. Leave everyone else out of it, your neighbors, your family, your peers, today is YOUR day and concentrating on what you want is enough.  If they do something you do not want simply decide to stop doing that thing.  Walk away.  Pick up that cigarette butt and put it in the trash can, with no negative feelings in your heart because you are getting what YOU want.  It is not your responsibility to wake up anyone else... just WAKE UP yourself....  Good morning... what beautiful eyes you have my dear. 

You can change the very Government.  Just stop participating. I know that sounds silly when everyone has told you the opposite.  Begin taking extra food to local food banks.  Begin taking your nice things that you no longer want to a charity which will then pass it forward.  Get to know your neighbors and if one is in trouble, sneak over in the middle of the night leaving a bag of groceries on their porch.  Decide not to be a part of the system if you are able to work in any way at all.  IF you decide this is what you want (this is your life and I do not judge at all, not any tiny cel of my body judges another) then find a way to separate yourself from Government assistance, get free.  Decide to do whatever it is that you want to do without expecting anything in return because this is simply what you want to do.

You can even save the planet.  It is easy.  We can not change what has already been done but we can change our own responsibility in this TODAY and change this planets tomorrows.  Recycle all of the empty containers with lids and use them for storage.  Oh, honey, you can get as creative as you want with all of the paints available today.  Reuse your plastic baggies, they are easily washed and only throw them out if might be unsafe to reuse them due to what was placed in them previously.  Get out your sewing kit and repair what needs to be mended rather than throwing it away.  Create a new trend of awesome patches.  Stop using pesticides and begin thinking... what is it that will give me what I want and not hurt ANYONE or anything else?  I personally use Food Grade Diatomaceous earth (a lot) because it is organic and gets the job done without harming anything or anyone else.  Just as in a sand storm... don't breath in large quantities of it, let it settle but this is just common sense.  Get on the baking soda, vinegar band wagon for cleaning needs.  Oh there are so many things you can do TODAY.  You really can save this planet... you just have not realized how important you are.

You can affect the outcome of big companies that have practices which are destroying our beautiful planet.  You have to do nothing... really I mean that... nothing at all.  Just stop participating.  Walk more, car pool, pull those weeds rather than applying chemicals, plan your garden next spring (container gardening is really in).  In the days to come, we will talk more about this and what I am doing but what you do is completely up to you and I respect, value and love you.  You are perfect just as you are.  

I am not going to paint a rosy picture for you because life is very colorful and for every action there is a reaction.  If we stop participating with the companies that are polluting our environment one possible consequence is that they go out of business leaving many without work.  There is also the possibility that they will decide to "clean up their act".  We really do not know what they will decide to do.  Either decision (certainly there are more than these two) will affect their flow of income, suppose that is something history will decide.  We really can never know what our action will create for anyone else.  We will just think of it as a surprise, ok?  That isn't your job though.  You have been doing far too many jobs that were not yours and it time to take a rest from all of that.  You only need to figure out today what you want then stop doing whatever it is that is keeping you from it. That is all.

You are the most important piece of this human puzzle.  I mean this with all of my heart because you have the Power to change not only yourself but the entire world... 

Mostly, smile today.  Feel lighter, know how very valuable you are.  See how beautiful you are, there is not another in all of creation just like you.  You are the most perfect you that has ever been created and no one else needs to acknowledge that or appreciate it or even like it because they can't change it any more than you can.  The consequences for not stopping this self hatred are more insidious and horrible than I am even willing to pollute our morning talk with.  So just stop it... please.. you really are perfect... simply perfect... grumpy butt... I love you.  

I love you, now go get em tiger... today is your day. 

Leave me a message below, if you have time after you get ready for your day.. If not.. I understand.. you are out there saving the world one life at a time and that life is YOURS.

Special thanks to Cheryl KP for her beautiful photo... you can see her wonderful work and interact with this amazing person on Google plus.  


  1. Wow, what an awesome, beautiful, and to-the-point post. I enjoyed all the references to the fact that stopping what we're doing is more effective than trying to do something radically different to make a change. Gracias..merci...thank you for this good morning wake up. Let's get out there and be our AWESOME selves! {{{hugs}}}

    1. OH you made my day!!!! Do you have any idea how simply adorable you are? If not LET ME TELL YOU.

      YOU ARE SIMPLY ADORABLE..... Hugs xoxoxoxo

  2. This will be # 3 to try to post. sigh. Thanks for this appropriate post. I so needed your message and love this day. When one is on top of the mountain looking down for fellow climbers to help, it doesn't occur to them that in an instant they can be back on the side, scrambling for a way back up as the debris of the illusion crumbles in their grasping fingers. You are the living expression of love and acceptance, and I love you for that. Hugs!! I am so happy to have been able to contribute to this lovely post. Cheryl kp

    1. This is for you my beautiful friend. As I read your wonderful words I began singing this in my head and guess what??? I sound just like Diana Ross. Ain't no Mountain high enough....
