Monday, November 4, 2013

Your Personal (R)Evolution Begins Now


I know you are tired.  I know you feel defeated.  I know you feel small.


Good Morning, love bug, how are you today?  I can see (in my heart) that you are beautiful and today is going to be wonderful, if that is what you choose... here I will talk while you wipe that sleep out of your eyes.  I love you.

It does not matter what the world wants today.  The only thing that matters is what you want today.  If we spend today walking toward what you want, soon it will be here.

We make things so hard that it is almost impossible to feel or imagine we can reach our goals, become enlightened, change the world.  It isn't hard at all.  People make a lot of money off of you believing it is hard or that there is a magic formula to achieving your goals.  Really, honey, it is not the truth... that is only marketing.

Today I just want you to wake up... stretch... know that (even if your body and mind is in pain) regardless of what is going on:


I want you to do this today, please.  Every time you see something you do not like, ask yourself what do I have to stop doing to get what I want.  This world is made up of polarity, it is made up of balance, it is demonstrated every where we look.  Our personal experience of this world is no different.  You do not need to do anything at all.  In fact the opposite is true.  You only need to stop doing whatever it is that is causing the undesired thing.

If you want to lose weight... I personally think you are perfect just as you are but it is YOUR life, not mine......stop eating the extra calories and stop just sitting around on this computer.  If you want a cleaner house then just stop putting the dirty dishes in the sink and begin washing them, drying them, putting them in the cabinet.  If you want more money, then stop what you are doing and go find someone who will give it to you through fair exchange.... your valued time to help them in exchange for their valued money.  If you want to know about something then stop thinking about it and find the education to learn.  The internet has so many sources but we will talk about that another day.  It is not about doing anything, it is about not doing whatever it is that is stopping you.  It is all about stopping the undesired result at its source.  

You will never be able to change anyone else so don't even begin thinking that today.  You or I do not need to change even one other person.  Absolute truth.. sweet pea... absolute truth.  You are perfect, you are marvelous, you have experienced the world completely uniquely, you spice this world in a way that no other ever can or ever will. Leave everyone else out of it, your neighbors, your family, your peers, today is YOUR day and concentrating on what you want is enough.  If they do something you do not want simply decide to stop doing that thing.  Walk away.  Pick up that cigarette butt and put it in the trash can, with no negative feelings in your heart because you are getting what YOU want.  It is not your responsibility to wake up anyone else... just WAKE UP yourself....  Good morning... what beautiful eyes you have my dear. 

You can change the very Government.  Just stop participating. I know that sounds silly when everyone has told you the opposite.  Begin taking extra food to local food banks.  Begin taking your nice things that you no longer want to a charity which will then pass it forward.  Get to know your neighbors and if one is in trouble, sneak over in the middle of the night leaving a bag of groceries on their porch.  Decide not to be a part of the system if you are able to work in any way at all.  IF you decide this is what you want (this is your life and I do not judge at all, not any tiny cel of my body judges another) then find a way to separate yourself from Government assistance, get free.  Decide to do whatever it is that you want to do without expecting anything in return because this is simply what you want to do.

You can even save the planet.  It is easy.  We can not change what has already been done but we can change our own responsibility in this TODAY and change this planets tomorrows.  Recycle all of the empty containers with lids and use them for storage.  Oh, honey, you can get as creative as you want with all of the paints available today.  Reuse your plastic baggies, they are easily washed and only throw them out if might be unsafe to reuse them due to what was placed in them previously.  Get out your sewing kit and repair what needs to be mended rather than throwing it away.  Create a new trend of awesome patches.  Stop using pesticides and begin thinking... what is it that will give me what I want and not hurt ANYONE or anything else?  I personally use Food Grade Diatomaceous earth (a lot) because it is organic and gets the job done without harming anything or anyone else.  Just as in a sand storm... don't breath in large quantities of it, let it settle but this is just common sense.  Get on the baking soda, vinegar band wagon for cleaning needs.  Oh there are so many things you can do TODAY.  You really can save this planet... you just have not realized how important you are.

You can affect the outcome of big companies that have practices which are destroying our beautiful planet.  You have to do nothing... really I mean that... nothing at all.  Just stop participating.  Walk more, car pool, pull those weeds rather than applying chemicals, plan your garden next spring (container gardening is really in).  In the days to come, we will talk more about this and what I am doing but what you do is completely up to you and I respect, value and love you.  You are perfect just as you are.  

I am not going to paint a rosy picture for you because life is very colorful and for every action there is a reaction.  If we stop participating with the companies that are polluting our environment one possible consequence is that they go out of business leaving many without work.  There is also the possibility that they will decide to "clean up their act".  We really do not know what they will decide to do.  Either decision (certainly there are more than these two) will affect their flow of income, suppose that is something history will decide.  We really can never know what our action will create for anyone else.  We will just think of it as a surprise, ok?  That isn't your job though.  You have been doing far too many jobs that were not yours and it time to take a rest from all of that.  You only need to figure out today what you want then stop doing whatever it is that is keeping you from it. That is all.

You are the most important piece of this human puzzle.  I mean this with all of my heart because you have the Power to change not only yourself but the entire world... 

Mostly, smile today.  Feel lighter, know how very valuable you are.  See how beautiful you are, there is not another in all of creation just like you.  You are the most perfect you that has ever been created and no one else needs to acknowledge that or appreciate it or even like it because they can't change it any more than you can.  The consequences for not stopping this self hatred are more insidious and horrible than I am even willing to pollute our morning talk with.  So just stop it... please.. you really are perfect... simply perfect... grumpy butt... I love you.  

I love you, now go get em tiger... today is your day. 

Leave me a message below, if you have time after you get ready for your day.. If not.. I understand.. you are out there saving the world one life at a time and that life is YOURS.

Special thanks to Cheryl KP for her beautiful photo... you can see her wonderful work and interact with this amazing person on Google plus.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

(R)Evolution Relationships With Children

Warning... this blog expresses much of my spirituality.  If truths other than your own offend you please click that X in the upper right corner now.  

Day 2 of 30 days of Personal (R)Evolution or things I wish my Mother would have told me. 

Good morning, Pumpkin, I hope you slept well last night.  I've been thinking about some of the things you might want to know about all of these little people running around.  You just enjoy your cup of cocoa and wake up.  Everything is just right today, it is a perfectly wonderful day to be alive.  

Having a child is a choice and one not to be gone into lightly.  Just because you can, sweetheart, doesn't mean you should so before hand it might be wise to understand what you are getting yourself into.  

From the moment that you feel life growing inside of you (for men told that your baby is being created) life changes.  It will never be the same in both wonderful and heart breaking ways.  You are becoming the creator of a brand new human being and never again will you experience life without taking this other human into consideration.  Life as you knew it is over... oh honey don't cry.. it is as wonderful as it is sad and you will have 9 months to grieve over the lifestyle you are giving up for this new one.

During that time many amazing things are going to happen.  You are going to get more hungry than you have ever been.  Don't worry it is just that baby telling you that it is hungry.  Be careful to feed it nutritious food because it can't become a full human being on Twinkies.  Sorry I had to laugh when you gasped like that.  You can still have your Twinkie every once in a while but the baby needs much more nutrition and so do you so please use all of your knowledge and feed both of you well.  

The first few months may be difficult as your body tries to get use to this idea of creating a new life.  Soda Crackers can become a girls best friend and I'll make sure you have plenty.. ok so don't worry.   One day though, the most amazing thing is going to happen... you are going to feel what seems to be a butterfly in the bottom of your tummy.  At that very moment, you will fall in love because your baby is letting you know that he or she is there and getting a little more comfortable in the bed you have made for it.  

Your baby is going to experience everything that you do so be very careful.  Even though emotions are high, it has never been more important in your entire life to laugh, be at joy and peaceful.  Your baby is counting on you and you are no longer just you... you are now, we.  OH and one more thing... your baby can hear you.  He or she will know your voice and the voice of those around you long before born so be careful who your child is exposed to from the very beginning.. ok?  It is your right to do this, you are his or her Mother.  

The day will come for his or her arrival and it is going to hurt.  Prepare yourself with all the information your medical team can provide, read, get yourself ready so there are few surprises.  Same as getting ready to go on an important date, try to make sure everything is as perfect as you can and be prepared.  The pain is excruciating when it is happening but the moment they lay your baby on your chest... all of that will swiftly pass away as you gaze into his or hers eyes for the first time and KNOW love in a way that you have never experienced it before.  

Your baby has been watching you and everyone you are around for quite some time.  Maybe you will feel him or her and maybe not but just the same he or she has been watching and trying to make a decision if he or she is the ONE that you both will benefit the most from.  See we are much smarter before coming because our human body disconnects us from the fluidity of being pure spirit but when your little one decided to come again he or she begins the "interview" process.  Every time a union like this happens a "soul" contract has been made, completely without your remembering it, but in your deepest sleep you have already been talking with those interested in joining you.  They can see further into the possibilities of future events from their vantage point so no worries about what is coming.  You have both agreed upon certain things, lessons and ways your little one will assist in teaching you along the way. 

Sometimes women decide to have a baby but put it up for adoption.  This is usually not an easy decision for the birth mother but the new soul coming in knew it was coming so there are no worries at all.  The new human actually chose the adoptive parents long before birth right along with the birth mother as the wonderful starting place.  Only love here regardless of the situation.  Sometimes there is a struggle over the new human and again it is simply for everyone's education.  We won't talk any more of that though, because you know in advance that having this new life is a choice.  With the choice to create life, you have decided to end the life you knew before becoming a mother.  

Don't allow any other situation to derail you from your path with your new little one.  Don't allow anyone to disrespect, harm or in any way provide a life other than the one in which you lovingly agree with for your baby.  This is your right, sweetheart, this is your responsibility.  It is your RIGHT to say no to anything that might be harmful.  It is your loving duty to sometimes go against what others say is best but you know in your heart is not the best for this baby which made a soul contract with you.  The contract was made with YOU.  What about your husband?  I'm so happy that you asked me because he is very important also.  For some women the man chooses not to be a part of this new life's life and in those cases your new life already knew that before coming.  In some cases the Mommy and Daddy will live together both understanding that their former life is gone and the new life will center on this child as long as they both shall live.  In some cases it is better for everyone if Mommy and Daddy.... yes honey I know how much you love your husband and it will never happen to YOU but lets talk about this anyway ok? longer live together as being together harms everyone in the family in some way.  It might simply be that the type of love needed for their marriage has gone away.  If this happens and both the Mommy and Daddy still want to be an active part of your babies life, it is your responsibility to let this happen as joyously as you can.  Your baby knew before coming and is counting on your maturity to provide the emotional security needed so he or she can do everything that is desired when grown.  

In the early years it is going to be hard because your baby is trying to figure out the correct way of interacting in this world.  During this time frame your baby will possibly become "unwrapped" at times over the frustration of it.  This can be in the form of tantrums or acting out in some way.  He or she remembers before, sometimes only in dreams but he or she remembers and this world is nothing like the one before so it is very confusing.  Try to remember that you are the adult and accustom to this world, he or she is counting on you to teach.  Part of that teaching is that it is ok to feel all emotions but there are proper ways to express them which sometimes will mean in private for a while.  Do not leave your baby alone too long because he or she has not been alone as we are never alone in the spirit world, this separation of being in a body can be very lonely.  

Mostly, do not do to your new life anything that you do not wish done to yourself.  Think, sweetheart, before you act and if you would not have wanted me to do that to you then don't do it.  If you would not want me to talk to you like that then don't do it.  If you would not like a bully to come and hit you or harm you physically then don't do it.  If you can remember this, honey, then nothing more really needs to be said.  If needed, call someone to come watch your child or provide some appropriate entertainment and put yourself in a time out.  Once you are recovered then rejoin your family. 

Mostly, my sweet child, remember that I am your Mother and if I see you treating my Grandchild in a negative way then expect me to mirror that behavior back to you.  I will try to remember to explain it to you if I pick up a belt to hit you with it but just remember that I am only a mirror.  If I witness unfair behavior then understand that I am going to treat you unfairly then try to remember to explain to you why I did that.  If I see you refuse to give your baby what it needs then expect me to refuse you the next time you ask.  Lastly, oh sweet heart this hurts me deeply, if I see that you are unable to do everything in your power to treat your baby fairly, lovingly and always remembering that your old life is over and Motherhood is everything, I will do everything in my power to bring that new life to live with me.  Your baby sees the world as a mirror and will  mirror much of what you teach him or her.  

 I will do everything I can to help you in your quest of helping this new person become all they can be.  Never be afraid to ask the people who love you.  Never be afraid to get what you need, even if that means being away from home working two jobs or asking for Government assistance.  Nothing is wrong if it means that your baby is safe, loved and has everything it needs to grow into the phenomenal human being that he or she already is.

Motherhood, it is the most amazing journey a woman can embark upon.  Some women are wise not to bring a child into the world and I applaud these women for making a wise decision.

If you are only needing, desiring, yearning for something to love you unconditionally, be excited every time they see you, eat what you want, go away when you don't feel up to dealing with them, will be ok (without the expense of a babysitter) when you want to party or is just cute to show off... I will buy you any puppy that you desire.  Those are not reasons to create a human being.   

Just hold onto your hat, Sweet Pea, cause you are in for the ride of your life.  

I love you... now go get em tiger there has never been a better day to be alive.  

I can only pray that, given time, my children will forgive me for taking so long to understand all of this.  There is no excuse for many of the mistakes I made, I am sorry for not having been a better mother.  Thankfully I was blessed with Phenomenal teachers when you came, more wonderful human beings have never been here before and never will come again.  

Saturday, November 2, 2013

(R)Evolution Milestones

Day 3 of our 30 days

Good morning Sweet Pea.  Hope you slept well.  What should we talk about today?

Today is my Birthday so lets talk about that.  Each year, we have our own personal New Year.  It is much more personal than the calendar new year because it belongs just to you.  It is a day of reflection, hope, tears, laughter, lost dreams and new dreams.

Every year we look over the past year to see what it held.  

We cry over any sadness of that year and understand that the only reason it can be sad is because we lost something important to us.  We never feel sad over an event unless it has held importance in some way.  Now, honey, you can choose to do a few things with those events.  You can choose to continue being sad or you can choose to discover where the importance is in the loosing of it.  Every time it will be something that was outside of your control.  It will be something that you, for what ever reason, needed to make a decision to walk away from.  To continue would have too many possibilities for more hurt to yourself or others.  Sometimes it is a decision that was a part of someones' life, not of your own making, that interacts with your own year.  Sometimes we have made a mistake to learn from.  If you could control those possibilities then I know you would fix the problem in which case it would not be a sadness today.  Today is the day when we say good bye to last years lost dreams and celebrate the joy they brought to us.  

The important thing here is that today, we are going to acknowledge our year.  We will let go of what does not belong in our new year to make room for our new dreams.

Good, sweetheart, we have that out of the way.  

Now, what do you want to do this year?  What are your dreams?  What is it that you want to keep doing this year from last?  Today is your day and the possibilities are as endless as on the day you first came to join us here on Planet Earth.... a brand new little human.

The difference darling is that today, you choose.

Happy Birthday... this brand new year will be full of surprises, happiness, and most importantly life. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

(R)Evolution The Three R's

Day 4 of our 30 days

There are really only three things that you need to remember, sweet heart.  If you can remember these three things then everything else will fall into place.

Relax into everything and everything will make itself available to you.  By relaxing you will take your time while evaluating a situation.  The time you take will allow more information to rise up to help with a better decision.  When we make hasty decisions and judgements, often we regret only because we did not give time enough space to work its magic.  We did not relax, enjoy the experience or simply wait to see what was coming next.  The decision, often, becomes one of regret due to what we really wanted being over looked.  So relax into everything decided, enjoy the complete process and let time work its magic. But when you KNOW that your desire is in front of you, let nothing stop you from merging with it. 

Responsibility is a word that many people will throw around carelessly.  Be careful who you listen to about its meaning.  If you have relaxed into a decision and made an agreement then you become responsible for fulfilling that agreement.  Do not mistake another persons responsibility as your own.  You will have a full enough life fulfilling your own responsibilities and you are not responsible for others agreements.  If others break their agreements with you, show a lack of responsibility, it then becomes your responsibility to relax into a decision regarding this broken responsibility of the other.  You could hastily respond but rarely will this bring you the over all satisfaction desired. A response is required, just as if you do not fulfill your own responsibilities.  Only if danger is associated with the lack of responsibility should you react quickly.  If this is the case then do so in such a way that the danger is completely dissolved.  Relax into your decisions.  Beware of cutting off your nose to spite your face, sweet heart.... your nose is perfectly adorable sitting right there between those beautiful eyes... lets leave it there ok? 

Reliability anchors the other two R's.  Without this, you will have much heart ache.  Heart ache will come during this life.  My job, sweetheart, is not to save you from it but to show you how to survive it.  Reliability/consistency is what defines you as an individual, as a unique person.  Become reliable/consistent in all endeavors.  It does not matter what the endeavor happens to be, personal appearance, work ethics, friendship, all mannerisms, be reliable.  It is in this reliability that you announce to the world who you are.  Never apologize for who you are because, Darling, you are amazing.

Now get out there tiger... there is an entire world waiting for you.  Go get em....