Wednesday, October 30, 2013

(R)evolution - The Second R - Responsibility

Good Morning, dear heart.  Here let me brush that beautiful hair of yours as we visit this morning.

We spoke yesterday about the first of the three R's of life, relaxation.  Today let us talk about responsibility.

The word, Responsibility, will be thrown around a lot during your life.  It is important that you understand what is and what is not your responsibility.  Many will attempt to put their responsibility onto your shoulders but to accept and master your own responsibility will be enough.  Your only responsibility, truly, is to master yourself during this life time.

You are coming to an age where you desire less and less of my directing your daily life.  I am so very proud of you, the person you have become.  With asking for less of my direction, you must be ready to accept responsibility for the self.

No one in life will be capable of knowing exactly how you feel about various situations as you grow into the fullness of yourself.  I know, we are taught that some day a person will come along and complete us.  This is not the truth, you are complete just as you are.  Others sharing your life either intimately or superficially are also self contained, experiencing their life from their own minds.  We can only hope to find others who are like ourselves in enough ways to enjoy the interaction between us.  The joy is amazing when two of a like mind come together but do not get lost in the union, completely, because your travels are harmonious yet separate.  Be responsible for yourself.

As you are responsible for yourself, there will arise areas within your life which are painful for one reason or another.  You can not, nor should you, interfere with another individuals learning path.  You are responsible for doing what you can to correct what is seen as unwanted within your own life.

You can choose at any moment how to react to an unwanted thing and to what degree you wish to pursue your quest to bring about the wanted.  It may be as simple as seeing a piece of trash thrown carelessly on the street.  Your responsibility is to choose to pick it up or not.  The trash does not care.  The person who put the trash there does not care either so if you choose to leave it then that is your choice and the responsibility now lies upon you that it continues to be littering the street.  You may choose to stand screaming at the piece of trash, railing against the hands that carelessly placed it there.  This does nothing to correct the unwanted from your sight.  Again, the trash does not care where it is.  The hands that placed it there are long gone and do not hear your railing against what you see as unwanted.  In this case you would be attempting to make the responsibility of what you see as unwanted another persons responsibility.  You may also be hoping to shame the other through this manipulation into no longer doing this thing you find unwanted.  This also will not work because the other wanted the trash along the street or they would not have placed it there.  So here we are, an unwanted piece of trash along the street.  What do we do?  We pick up the trash and this corrects the problem of this very moment.  Perhaps at this moment you will feel better but chances are you will now see all of the other trash along this same street and notice ever more unwanted trash.  One possibility here would be to begin caring for your own yard in such a wonderful way that others see it and wish to have their yard in the same condition.  Others who are also bothered by the trash will soon wish to have a wonderful yard like yours and choose to make their own habitat similar.

You are responsible for others who are trusted within your life.  The limit of your responsibility is to yourself, however.  If the others in your life prove to be untrustworthy then it is solely your responsibility to limit that persons ability to affect your own life's path.  Do not ever allow another to become responsible for you, that is NOT their responsibility.  Only with children who are not ready to take responsibility for their own lives does this become our responsibility.

Today, practice personal responsibility.  Tomorrow, practice personal responsibility.  For your entire life, live responsibly and with each choice walk closer to fulfilling your dreams.  Those dreams are your destiny.

Darling, the world is waiting for you.... go get em tiger... enjoy your day responsibly.

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