Day 7 of our 30 days
The 3rd R, Reliability
Good Morning, sweetness, I do hope you slept well. Eat your breakfast and we can finally talk about this 3rd R that we learned about a few days ago.
What is reliability, do you know? It is a very big subject, much bigger than for breakfast alone so let us talk about the most important thing for you to remember through life, self reliability.
No, darling, I am not concerned at the moment about what your coach thinks or your teachers or even the minister, I am concerned with your understanding that this applies most importantly to you. What I want you to consider this morning is the question, am I being reliable to myself? If you can master this, you will be far ahead of the game. Many never understand this and I am hoping you will.
Without you, nothing else happens in your world. This is a simple truth. Your world does and always will revolve around you, there can be no other way. If we are not reliable with our own health, emotional and physical then we will cease to be of value to ourselves and this must be guarded with fervent urgency. Only when you are reliably, consistently caring for your self can you be of value to others. No this does not mean to put yourself above any other, it means that you are equal to all others and they are responsible for their own self care.
When we are reliable to ourselves, we do not over extend our time. We plan events with enough time to be there or to produce results when promised. It is when we fail to do this that others will view us as unreliable and eventually this will have a grave cost associated with it. Being reliable to the self means that we communicate to those around us of our needs to accomplish our goals which will always include time to care for yourself as you care for others.
Be reliable to yourself and you will also be reliable to others through clear communication which will bring about ultimate wonderful results. When you make yourself a promise, follow through. If that promise is to loose weight then do so. If that promise is to change something that you are not happy with, then do so. Anything you are not completely satisfied with, change it because this is your life, your world and your right. Be as reliable to yourself as I see you being with others and the rewards for this will be beyond your wildest imagination.
Being self reliable does not mean that your needs are above any other. Part of being reliable is being available for others but not the most important part. Imagine, sweetheart, if you were in the process of self care and saw a horrible event happening? Should you ignore that event or interrupt your own process temporarily? This will be completely your choice, of course. Will you feel that you have reliably fulfilled your own personal mission if you do not address the situation? This also is reliability because, knowing you as I do, it would be very hard to live with doing nothing. Here, you are reliably adhering to your own personal principles.
Reliably keep to your own principles regardless of what others around you are doing. The others may simply not understand that they are being unreliable to themselves. If you are tempted to adopt principles contrary to your own then remove yourself from that company and continue along your search for others more like yourself. This does not give us the excuse to be mean or disparaging to any other. As you realize the importance of being reliable to yourself, your life, your belief system, your principles, a self confidence emerges which realizes that different is no better or worse than any other.
Well, you have reliably taken care of your body. It is happy, fed and ready to start the day.
Go get em, tiger... the world is waiting for you.
December 13, 2013
Author Sho Nique
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December 13, 2013
Author Sho Nique
image from:
I just really love and enjoy this series. Every letter is written as if speaking directly to me and I'm sure many others feel the same way. Reliability is a huge subject. You did a wonderful presentation of the first part of reliability which is being reliable to ourselves. Awesome. Hugs...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cheryl. You had mentioned a while back that this particular R was not very comfortable for you. I am hoping that it feels a little more comfortable now. Hugs and thank you so very much for your wonderful support as we work our way through 30 days... Things I Wish My Mother Would have Told Me. You are more appreciated than you could possibly know. Hugs